Making Teal Real: The Teal Horizon Story

A few years ago, in the middle of one of our occasional binge shopping trips to our favorite women’s consignment store, my good friend and truth-telling shopping buddy remarked, “I think you have a teal problem.” I turned from the rack of tops I was sorting through, yet another teal shirt in hand, and replied, “I don’t see why it’s a problem.”

You see, I’m a little obsessed with teal… but since the color teal represents a movement toward greater self-leadership, wholeness, and purpose, it’s an obsession that I use to serve others as they strive to impact the world for good.

(And yes, in case you were wondering, it’s also my favorite color, so that makes my work wardrobe rather convenient. Again, I see no problem here.)

So what’s the deal with teal?

A number of thinkers (notably Ken Wilber when considering individuals and Frederic Laloux when it comes to organizations) have written about a model of human development, or “spectrum of consciousness,” that incorporates ideas from both psychology and spirituality. Each level of consciousness, with its corresponding attributes, is represented by a different color (from beige to magenta, red, amber, orange, green). The level of consciousness that humankind is beginning to live into is teal, representing self-leadership or self-management, wholeness and balance, and a sense of higher, evolutionary purpose. This level of consciousness can be seen both in human beings and also in organizations (since as it turns out, organizations are made up of humans).

Teal sees the big picture, it explores and holds multiple perspectives, and it integrates mind, body and spirit. The three core characteristics of teal consciousness resonate strongly with me personally and in the work I do with individuals and organizations.

  • Self-leadership: Knowing ourselves - our needs, our values, our unique strengths - helps us to live intentionally and authentically and take responsibility for our lives and our actions. Aligning these aspects of ourselves helps us to lead our lives, not just live them.

  • Wholeness and Balance: We are created as integrated beings - mind (intellectual and emotional), body and spirit - and we find our greatest joy and effectiveness when we care for ourselves (and our organizations) holistically.

  • Purpose: Figuring out how to aim our unique strengths to serve a greater good and make a positive impact in the world brings real meaning and purpose to our lives, so that we can fully live, and not just exist.

And what’s on the horizon?

The horizon is a funny thing. We strive toward it, but just when we think we’ve arrived, we find ourselves facing a new horizon. Life is like that too. We rarely “arrive” but are always “works in progress,” continuing to find new perspectives or possibilities. As the place where earth meets sky, the horizon can also represent the space in our lives where the secular and spiritual come together. For clients seeking a holistic approach that honors mind, body, and spirit, the teal horizon is a safe and welcoming place for that exploration.

I founded Teal Horizon Coaching LLC in 2022 so that I could wear my favorite color everyday… wait, no, that’s not right…

I founded Teal Horizon Coaching LLC in 2022 as part of my own teal journey. I took responsibility for leading my own life, career and business (self-leadership), in a way that integrates leadership and spirituality (wholeness) and gives me the opportunity to use what’s best about me to live my purpose: helping others discover their gifts and live their purpose.

Through my work, I instill a sense of hope, honor the process of life and help my clients explore their many options as they align what’s important to them and move toward teal: leading their whole lives with purpose.


What I’ve Learned from Reading