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Having Needs without Being Needy

What do you need to be truly fulfilled? Too often, our answer to that question is “I don’t know.” And sometimes we really don’t know. Other times, we just don’t want to say, for fear that we’ll seem needy or demanding. It’s time to name and acknowledge our needs…

Our needs play a role in all of our life choices, so the better we know our needs, the more intentional we can be about our relationships, our work, our commitments, and our self-care.

Naming our needs is like taking a slow, deep breath, or taking a step into the light so that we can be seen. It’s a powerful path to living with greater freedom, integrity, and authenticity.

Knowing our needs unlocks so much power and potential in us… I’d really love to give you that key.

Register here…

May 17

Forget Goals… Getting Real Stuff Done - For Real!

July 19

Living Your Values