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Real Life Refresh


Real Life Refresh™ is an in-depth online program that empowers you with greater clarity and focus about who you are and how you want to live, and guides you step-by-step as you build that vision into your real life today - and every day after.

Ready for a Refresh?

You’re right for Real Life Refresh if you’re ready to say no to the status quo and stop accepting ‘good enough’ as good enough for your life.

Real Life Refresh is right for you if want to decrease your stress, uncertainty and overwhelm and figure out how to lead your life instead of letting it lead you.

If you are…

  • A “helping” professional who’s frequently in the middle of the org chart and the org stress and isn’t sure what direction your career path is pointed

  • A caring and devoted woman who’s stretched between all the worries and responsibilities that come with roles like mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, or friend

  • A spiritually-inclined servant leader who wants to be more of the person you were created to be and follow your calling in life to make an impact on others

  • A woman who’s holding it all together, but sometimes feels like you’ve lost your sense of self and can’t quite name the ‘more’ you’re looking for

You’re in the right place!

(And you’re not alone.)

Real Life Refresh will give you the plan, tools, and support you need to get clear about who you are and what matters most so that you can move from ‘meh’ to the ‘more’ that’s in store for you!

By the end of this program, you will …

Honor your needs and values

and become more of the real you again, crafting a life that is more aligned and fulfilling.

Focus on your top priorities

so that you know where to put your time and energy and where and when to say no.

Complete important projects

with the help of doable action plans that keep you focused.

Take back your calendar

and planned your days with structure and flexibility in a way that helps you be productive AND purposeful.

Make time for self-care

in ways that are uniquely suited to you and that actually help you be your best self, without guilt.

Learn to stay on track

and sustain your progress so that you can live purposefully in the midst of your real, everyday life.

Her coaching style is insightful and supportive, but she also knows when and how to appropriately challenge ideas and perceptions. Kathy truly strives to meet individuals where they are at and facilitate their growth. Working with her has been an amazing opportunity and a treasured gift.

Laura M.

Coaching sessions with Kathy were exceedingly helpful.

What’s Inside

Real Life Refresh?

  • Just like any building project, the most important part is laying a solid foundation. In Real Life Refresh, that means clarifying our needs and values.

    This module will set the stage for the rest of your refresh and bring you deep clarity about what makes your life most satisfying and fulfilling. Hint: The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all, so you’ll have some “excavating work” to do in this module!

    In Module 1, you will:

    >>> Assess your unique core needs and values to gain invaluable perspective about why some parts of life feel thoroughly satisfying (and others, perhaps, do not).

    >>> Explore your core needs and values more deeply and articulate exactly how those needs and values show up in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

    >>> Reflect on the needs and values that are being met as well as those that are not and begin to imagine what would be different in your life if they were!

  • In Module 2, we’ll continue working on the foundation of our real selves, now turning to a careful exploration of our unique strengths, our purpose, and the true priorities that guide our lives.

    The importance of laying a solid foundation can’t be overstated! In future modules, you’ll take a closer look at your “doing” – the activities that make up your daily life. And sure, like most people, you want to get more done, in less time, with greater impact. But that won’t happen if your “doing” isn’t aligned with your “being.” Putting the time in now to develop greater clarity about who you are will pay off in spades down the road.

    In Module 2, you will:

    >>> Identify your talents, gifts, and abilities and consider ways to maximize the ways you put those into action.

    >>> Draft an overarching statement that gives direction to your life as a whole and sets a vision for who you want to be and what you want to do with the one and only life you’ve been given.

    >>> Discern your key priorities and pinpoint what you’d like to accomplish in those areas in the next 1-2 years.

  • Now that we’ve refreshed our sense of “being,” it’s time to consider our “doing” and find more effective ways to get things done. You’ll learn how to make progress on your life’s projects so that you are moving toward the desired outcomes you identified for your key priorities in Module 2.

    In Module 3, you’ll learn a different approach to being productive and getting stuff done - the stuff that matters. It takes some discipline, but it's not rigid. There are a few steps, but it's not hard. You’ll see it in action, and then put it into action in your own life. And I think you’ll find that it’s flexible, forward-moving, and fun!

    In Module 3, you will:

    >>> Learn why “projects” can serve and motivate us more than “goals.”

    >>> Choose an important project that you really want to make progress on.

    >>> Follow a simple step-by-step process to create an action plan for that project that can empower you to accomplish more than you have before.

  • Who doesn’t wish they had more time in their lives?! Module 4 won’t give you more time, but it will help you use the time you have more effectively and more purposefully. You’ll learn how to align your time and your calendar with your most important priorities so that life feels more whole and balanced.

    In Module 4, you will:

    >>> Manage your time in a way that honors all of your priorities, not just the urgent ones.

    >>> Schedule your week with structure and flexibility so that it works for your real life.

    >>> Increase your effectiveness by blocking time for the important project(s) you chose in Module 3.

  • What good is a Real Life Refresh if we don’t learn how to keep it refreshed? Module 5 brings together all the work we’ve done so far, and helps you create a plan for “doing” that aims at continually refreshing your “being.”

    In Module 5, you’ll learn how to notice and manage your energy and be introduced to the 3 R’s of taking care of yourself (Rest, Renewal, and Review). These elements are essential for living a healthy, aligned life, and you’ll create plans for integrating these practices into your newly refreshed life.

    In Module 5, you will:

    >>> Explore the activities that replenish and renew your energy and schedule these into your life.

    >>> Learn what the process of reviewing your life might be like for you and begin to implement it in your week.

    >>> Release the guilt you feel about self-care as you begin to view it as sanity, not vanity.

  • Module 6 is where this investment in yourself pays dividends! In this module, you’ll learn the in’s and out’s of the 90 DAY Reset™. This process serves two vital purposes:

    1) It keeps you on track so that you can continually refresh your life and continue to make sustained progress on your projects and long term vision for your life. Every 90 days, you’ll review your needs, values, gifts, purpose statement, priorities, and projects and reset things as needed for the next 90 days.

    2) WHEN (not if!) you “fall off the horse” and get side-tracked from the intentional work of Real Life Refresh, the 90 DAY Reset™ is the process you’ll use to re-start your work and climb back on that horse! You don’t need a new course, a new process, or the next new self-help system. Whether you’re away from the Real Life Refresh process for a season, a year, or longer, a 90 DAY Reset™ is all you need to get rolling again.

    In Module 6, you will:

    >>> Review all of the work you’ve done in Real Life Refresh and celebrate the new perspective you have for your life!

    >>> Reset your projects for the next 90 days to keep your momentum going and accelerate your progress.

    >>> Reflect on your accomplishments and solidify your commitment to purposeful living.

Here’s what a successful Refresh sounds like…

in real life from real people

With the Real Life Refresh Program alone, you’ll get…

6 Video Modules

that walk you through a comprehensive refresh of your whole life and guide you step-by-step through the actions you’ll take to make that vision a reality.

Guided Support

that’s there when you most need it so that you never get stuck, lost, or discouraged as you create your blueprint for purposeful living.

A Proven Framework

that’s been tried, tested, and validated (by other women just like you) for achieving exactly the results you’re looking for!

Renewed Clarity and Focus

for who you are and how you want to live so that you can move forward with more hope, confidence, and joy.

If you choose the Group Coaching Program, you’ll ALSO get…

7 Group Sessions

where you’ll be able to share your wins and challenges, learn from others who are on the journey with you, and find new perspectives as you hear others’ experiences.

Mutual Support and Accountability

that helps you stay on track when things get tough and allows you to generously encourage other like-minded women.

A Deeper Dive

and an insider’s look at the nuts and bolts of the process you’ll be learning, including insights from the framework creator and examples from others who’ve gone before you to help point the way.

Impactful Coaching

that will invite you to wrestle with thought-provoking questions that support you in making creative and courageous decisions about your life.

Save my spot!

I’m ready for a Real Life Refresh

and joining this waitlist!

A Note from Kathy

About why helping you refresh your life is so incredibly important to me…

I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have refreshed my life if I hadn’t been forced to.  But when I lost my job in early 2020 and my 20+ year career came to an abrupt end, I had no choice.

And it’s the best thing that I’ve ever done.

I didn’t understand the breadth and depth of what I needed from life until I had the opportunity to really deeply reflect on that question.  I hadn’t fully recognized how much better I felt when I had the chance to live out my values every day.  I thought I knew who I was, but I realized that a lot had shifted over the years, and that self-definition needed more updating than my resume. 

And that was only the beginning.

That profound self-awareness led me to purposeful action.  I’ve always been a striving, high achiever, but I found ways to bring more focus and purpose to that productivity.  I spend less time feeling overwhelmed, and I balance my striving with rhythms that sustain my sanity.  Now, I live with energy and clarity every day because I know who I am and I know that I’m living on purpose.

I’ve seen the transformation in my own life and I’ve witnessed how other women have transformed their lives because of this process.  I’ve realized that a Real Life Refresh shouldn’t have to wait until we’re forced into it.  That’s why I’ve created this program – so that you can have the guidance and support you need to get out of feeling stuck, uncertain, or overwhelmed and refresh your real life on your terms.

So, what are you waiting for?

If you’re not sure it’s the right time, listen to Barb who said “By all practical measures, this was the wrong time for me to do this.  But personally, this was the perfect time.  I’m so glad I took the leap.”

If you’re not sure if it will really have an impact, remember that you can always change your mind within the first month.  Although I’m betting that the insights you’ll gain from just the first month of the program will be worth more to you than your whole investment!

And if you’re not sure you’re worth this investment of time and money, I’m here to banish that belief and call it out for what it is:  false.  You are the incredible, one-of-a-kind you.  Remarkably and uniquely talented.  Created for a particular purpose and placed here on this earth to serve and impact particular people.  You are worth this investment – and so much more.  Your choice for a Real Life Refresh honors the goodness inside you that might just need some polishing up so you can shine again.  And your choice for a Real Life Refresh benefits all those you love and serve who are counting on you to impact their lives for the better.

There’s no better time than now to invest in yourself and your goodness.  I can’t promise you exactly what your refreshed life will look like, but I can promise you this:  I’ll be alongside you to guide you and encourage you every step of the way.

I can’t wait to meet you, teach you, and cheer you on inside Real Life Refresh!

With you and for you,
